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July 01, 2009


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Does anyone have an ounce amount that the bowls hold? Thanks

Cari Vander Bloomen

does anyone know the amount of ounces the bowls hold? thanks


Does anyone have any idea how well they might withstand dropping them on a tile floor? I know the video showed them being dropped on a wood floor, but that's quite a bit for forgiving than my tiled kitchen floor...which seems to break just about everything. Thanks.


Angie Six

I received a set of nesting Duralex bowls for a wedding gift and they have been my favorite, most durable, and most used kitchen item . . . for 12 years!! I'm so excited about these kid dishes. Awesome find.


um.. just found your website through mint and I am in LOVE!!! I love all things having to do with children even though I have none... but someday! :)

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