I'm staying in tonight...and I actually plan on staying in for the weekend. Do you ever have those weekends where you don't want to make any plans except for a good dinner, laying in bed after the kids have gone to bed and catch up on favorite TV shows from the week? That's exactly where I'm at. I think I might even go to bed without cleaning the kitchen!
So, I think I had one of the best nights with my girls' tonight. In the past several weeks, I've done a complete revamp of the art room and it feels great! There's plenty of space to spread out and I set up the kids table in a spot that I won't trip over anymore. Spontaneously, I tromped downstairs to do some sketching and C followed. It wasn't long before Bean was right along with us. At first, Bean said, "Mom, didn't you say we could watch a show since it's Friday night?...oh...wait...can I paint something too??" We spent a good hour downstairs with watercolors, pens and paper scattered everywhere. I got a little giddy that I was able to keep their attention for so long. My floor is covered with art and I love it...I think it will be a night worth recreating!
Well, not to get extra wordy tonight, but I found myself perusing The Butter Flying's Etsy shop and love her Poetic Butterfly House and Origami Butterfly Garland...they're perfectly delicate and pretty...sometimes those are just the accents a room needs to give it some charm.
Or how about these beautifully handmade garlands by Pretty Swell? The flowers look flouncy and I love the mix of patterns...so pretty! via Mixed Plate.
love the folded butterflies ones...
Posted by: nath | October 12, 2010 at 07:57 AM
Very sweet! You have a lot of great ideas.
Posted by: Tanja | June 18, 2010 at 01:02 PM
I just discovered your blog, and every thing is so beautiffull!!!!
Sorry my english, but i'm french! lol
Posted by: Cynthia | June 16, 2010 at 12:59 PM