I honestly got the nicest email from Shawn at Lullatone telling me about his "Pajama Pop" melodic tunes the other day, but what Shawn didn't know was that I had already dowloaded a smorgasbord of tunes from their various albums a few months ago after getting hooked into his Raindrop Melody Maker a solid 20 minutes. You can make your own music - It's beautiful, therapeutic and fun - give it a try! So, after listening to several of their songs online, I instantly knew that it would be the ideal music to play during or after dinner, while the girls are in the bath, pulling their pajamas on and winding down for the evening. That's precisely what I've done on numerous occasions and the girls love it because it's both mellow but fun. Their newest album, Songs that Spin in Circles, was originally composed for their newborn son and it consists of loopable lullabies for babies -- just listen to "A mobile over your bed" and you'll understand.